Monday, August 31, 2009

One Month

Dear Emma,
I can't believe that today you are one month old! It seems just like yesterday that I was begging Dr. Bashuk to induce me so I could meet you! I remember the first time I set eyes on you in the Operating Room. I was instantly in love with you. I couldn't wait to hold you! Finally I got to hold you in my arms after such a long wait! It was perfect. We are still getting to know each other every day, and I am so blessed to be your mommy. I promise to be the best mom I can be for you. We may not always agree, in fact, I know we won't, but I will always look out for you, love you unconditionally, and raise you in the image of Christ.

What are you doing at one month old? Mostly sleeping, eating every 3 hours during the day, and staring at things. At night, you can go about 4-6 hours without eating, which is great! You must love to sleep just like your parents.

You like my milk, your paci, being swaddled, riding in the sling, being held, sleeping with mommy in the bed on a pillow, staring at ceiling fans, and warm baths.

You dislike getting your diaper changed, getting naked, not being swaddled, and being burped.

You are starting to get a little personality. You can be a fussy girl when you are hungry, which I understand! :D You can be silly already! I swear you smile sometimes at me and daddy. You love to grip our fingers, and I know this is just a baby reflex, but I LOVE it! You react to me more because you are with me all day and night. You love it when I swaddle you, pop the paci in, and walk around rocking you.

You are sleeping in your great great grandfather's bassinet by our bed. You have not slept in your crib yet-and I don't know if I will ever be ready to move you into your own room! Sorry, Daddy!

I already DREAD going back to work because I don't want to leave you and let someone else see you do all of the special, cute things I know you will do. At least you are going to a great lady and not a big daycare!

Here are some pictures of you over the past month.

Becoming a Family

Laying on Mommy in the hospital

Photo Shoot in the dress Nonnie made for you

Laying on Mommy again-you love skin to skin

Looking at Daddy
Fake Sleeping for the camera at 3 weeks old

Emeline Sarah Edwards, I love you more than anything in this world, and I am so honored to be your mother. I look forward to our life together and cannot believe that one month has already passed. Slow down little girl!


  1. Woah! Arleady a month! That is pretty nuts! Great pics! Why is there a hole in the end of the pacifier thingy? I have never noticed that...

  2. That hole is for you to hold the paci with your finger until they get it and have it in all the way. Very handy~

  3. made my cry! i cant believe its been a month either!

  4. She is just precious. Cherish every moment. It really goes by fast...


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