Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Orange Beach Trip 2012

We recently got back from our second annual Macon-Edwards OBA Beach Trip! It was an absolute blast, and I'm so grateful that my brother in law has a condo down there! Can't beat a free and nice place to stay! My sis already covered some epic disasters in her beach post, and she is relying on me to provide some good stuff! I'll try!

And, sorry in advance for the eleventy billion photos, but this is my "lifebook" and the grand-parentals will lurve them some baby photos!

Playing with my tele-photo lens

Storm rolling in

Off our balcony-the marina

Look at that precious almost 15 month old!

Sweet cousins-and Emma's evil genius face!

Sissy and "Boodee" as Emma still calls him

My sweet girls! Eating rainbow lollies on the balcony.

Playing in Scarlet's "good girl bed," an inflatable bed she slept on.

One day we went to the Track to ride rides and play games!

Sarah is amazed by the games!

Haha, this cracks me up so hard! Sarah, promise you will put this in her senior yearbook picture ad!

Buddy watching the action-in his dirty a$$ stroller-why do the wheels have to touch the canopy? Gross!

Train ride together-Harrison was actually big enough to ride the train!

Sweet boys!

Sharing a slushie-that ended well. NOT.

Our ticket loot-about 1100 tickets!

We did lots of swimming, playing in the sand, going to the beach a la Clark W Griswold,  naps, sleeping in, eating great food, and just generally enjoying spending lots of time with some of our favorite people! Thank you sissy and brother for the wonderful memories!


  1. You are so right! The grandparents love the pictures! They are great!! Glad y'all had fun and I am soooooooo jealous that Nonnie wasn't with you!

  2. Hi Susannah,
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Orange Beach to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!


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