Monday, November 1, 2010

Get Real

So, I'm sitting here eating the Halloween candy that Emma scored for me, reading my Star magazine, and I come across this.

Are you freaking kidding me? Since when did being sixteen and pregnant or a teen mom entitle you to a college fund donation?

I mean, you're already getting paid for being knocked up as a teenager, why don't we reward you with some college education.

Go to college the way other people did-it's called student loans! I had them and will be paying them off until I'm 40.

Give me a frigging break!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I love them and hope peeps give them college money! They are sweet kids with TERRIBLE parents trying to turn their life around! However, I think they will be just fine with student loans too!

  2. My cousin told me that her teenage niece says that all of her friends want to get pregnant to get on that show. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

  3. I've never watched Teen Mom, but it just sounds like one big train wreck of a show if you ask me. I don't want my daughter watching trash like's setting a bad example!

  4. I think MTV should give them money for college! I do feel bad for them as it seems like they have been dealt hard cards and have made the right decisions but they 1. should get paid and 2. MTV could easily pay for their college!

  5. I think MTV should play music videos...

  6. This pisses me off. Thanks MTV for the influx in teen pregnancy.

  7. Those two really are the only legit one's on that show and their home life is horrific. Though, I'm thinking with their low income status they might be able to get some good scholarships, though MTV might have ruined that.
    And yes, we like to call Andrew's law school debt our "lake house".

  8. You don't understand Susannah. She got pregnant because she was spanked when she was nine. That totally destroyed her self image so she got preggars to feel better about herself. End of lesson.
    Now you may go throw up!!! Yes, all the hoopla makes it "look" okay to do this! YUK!

  9. You know, money like that would be best served given to people who truly won't ever have a chance at "free" money & who will have to work their ass off or borrow til they are paying back until they're 45 (which will totally be me).

    Nice, long run-on sentence. Love it.

  10. I'm really surprised that MTV didn't "pay" them for their seems that it would have been a good idea to set up some sort of education trust for each participant and put a lump sum in there and let it be used for education purposes only. Maybe they did that for the babies instead. Anywho, I respect that they want to further their education, but, they can go out and get a loan like the rest of America. Their guidance counselors can show them the way;)

  11. blah blah blah... It's all in how you raise your children. A TV show is not going to determine if your daughter gets pregnant.. give me a break people

  12. Did high school really happen.. I'm unsure.

  13. I'd normally be with you if it was ANY other of the knocked up couples, but I happened to see the episodes with these two and I kinda LOVE them. They have terrible home lives and parents. They are 16 going on 35 in how they handled the situation and even in the post-baby show (ok, so I only caught one episode of that too and it happened to be mostly about these two visiting their daughter with her adoptive parents--although now it totally looks like I watch all the time). Anyway, they couldn't be more different than the other knocked up kids on the show and I'm totally on board with anything that has to do with them cuz they're just soooo cute! They are such little adults and I want to adopt them as my own. You'd wanna squeeze their little faces if you watched episodes with them.

    On another note, I totally don't support this show and how it glamorizes teen pregnancy. Think it's pretty crappy. Don't blame me for catching a couple episodes though---it's like a wreck you can't look away from.

  14. I read an article recently that said they are paid $65K per season for the show. so where is that $$$?


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