Sunday, April 18, 2010

In the Neighborhood

Look what passed through our neighborhood this evening. It was spectacular. My dream is to one day go on a hot air balloon ride. I love the beautiful colors too!


  1. That's cool! On our honeymoon (we went to Australia) my hubby surprised me with a hot air balloon ride. Except the morning we were supposed to go (the day before we left) the weather was crummy. I was sooo disappointed! I had to "settle" for a massage instead. (I know.) But we still haven't gone. Would be amazing!

  2. How fun!

    We used to live in St. Louis, and every year they'd have a hot air balloon race. It was so magical to look up at the sky and see it filled with colorful balloons.

  3. I'm glad you found my blog! I live in Tuscaloosa. Your family is too cute!!

  4. That was one of my goals before I turned 30. Guess I am not going to make it. That is too cool.

  5. Oh, I would LOVE to go on a hot air balloon ride!! So fun that it was just floating past your house! ha.


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