Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, on this Weight Watchers Wednesday, I am proud to announce that I have met my ten percent goal. I lost 3.2 pounds this week, for a total loss of 18 pounds! I only have 5 more pounds to go to reach my Valentine's Day goal of 160.
I am going to continue doing the same thing this week-major tracking and major treadmilling-I have started going for 50 minutes then a 5 minute cool down. The incline is set between 10-12. I burned 450 calories today in 45 minutes. (I had to leave early!) But, Brittany made me feel like I couldn't trust the calorie counter, so we shall say around 450 calories! :D Love ya Britt!
Anyway, how did you all do? I hope I can get these 5 pounds off to meet my goal I set right after New Years. Or at least come within one pound of it! I am going to try hard!!!
Have a good rest of the week friends!


  1. Congrats! We know you can do it!

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazeballs, lady! Congratulations!!!

  3. I am so proud of you! Great job! I know you can reach any goal you want b.c you have ALWAYS been an over achiever! kisses!

  4. Yay! Congrats! Sorry to rain on the parade with my downer on the calorie counter! You're probably pretty close to it, though! And hey, if you're losing weight, you're burning calories, and that's all that matters, right? Nice work, my friend!

  5. COngratulations! Keep it up. That is so great. Valentine's Day will be super special!

  6. Great job! Reaching a goal is a good time. Keep it up

  7. Just back to say I left you a little award on my blog!


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