Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's time for a........

Things I'm loving right now post:

Crystal Lite packets-specifically Raspberry Lemonade

Obvi, my phone

Korres natural foundation

Whole Wheat bagel thins and WW cream cheese

A new jumbo Tervis tumbler with my school logo on it

Things I want to be loving right now:

new sheets!

TB Revas

a new kitchen table

a deluxe label maker

Sigh. A girl can dream, right? Family..........that was my Christmas list........hint, hint.

Things I want to be doing right now:

sitting in a clean house

playing with my sissy while fixing up her new house

reading books

playing WWF

reading tweets

What am I doing?
Obviously blogging. But also, folding laundry and cleaning up dinner aftermath.

On another note, does anyone use TweetDeck for iPhone? I got it and have no clue how to use it. And can't find any help for it. I mean, it can't be that hard to figure out, right? Right? Someone help me please so I can be a better tweeter! :D
Edited to add: no thanks TweetDeck, Ima go with echofon. Peace.

What are you all loving/wishing for/doing/wanting to be doing??


  1. I never know if I leave responses to my comments on my blog, or if I come to yours and leave them....what do "true" bloggers do? I just feel if I leave a response to a comment on my blog, how would you know? Please tell me what to do...haha! To answer your questions no I did not have to go on the PCOS diet. They tried to get us to start trying when Davis was about 6 months old because they said that would give us a higher chance of getting pregnant on our own....but we just weren't ready. I didn't go on the diet and I just thought once we were ready we would just try to not worry about anything....well, it worked!! I was shocked when I found out it happened so quickly. I didn't even know what to think.....I just cried (happy tears of course!!)

  2. I would be loving/wishing for/ wanting to be playing with EmmaLu and Scarlet while Jason and John cooked out for us and you were helping your sister fix up her house! How's that for a long wish list! Oh, and I would be playing yours and Sarah's WWF for you! Peace child.....

  3. Love those bagels! If you are looking for something new add thinly sliced cucumbers on top of the cream cheese and bagel with a little salt and pepper, so good!

  4. I have been looking for that Crystal Light but haven't seen it anywhere!

  5. I've heard tweetdeck for the iPhone is confusing. But tweetdeck for your computer is fabulous and very user friendly!

    That Crystal Light mix looks great!

  6. I'd love a pair of tb revas and new sheets too, I even have both already picked out! Too bad we're starting a new budget though (RIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY) and somehow there isn't enough time to save up enough for my birthday. grrrrrr I was suppposed to be getting a new dslr PLUS a few other surprises since Hubs got a grill and tv but I don't see any of that happening at the moment!

  7. LOL. Tweetdeck confused me. I use Echofon for twitter on my iPhone.

  8. I know what you mean. I love me some Crystal Lite. Seriously, it's my life's nectar these days, especially the Pure Fitness stuff.

  9. Gina, you can find the crystal light at walmart. I'm addicted. Some things I am also loving right now.....zumba and your blog Susannah!


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