Thursday, September 30, 2010

Recap and Spew

Hi! It's me. I'm still alive, I promise! This is me, crawling out of the hole that is currently work, laundry, cooking, work, marriage, baby, fighting an education war, LIFE. For the love, I am getting run over here! Going out of town for a weekend alone is certainly fun and invigorating (hello, can you say sleeping till 9:00!)

Oh, so about the education war: stop by Katie's blog and read her "Separate but Unequal" post and leave a comment. This ties into my "Twitter Attack" post from last week. Lots of riling going on lately. Peeps just tryin to explain their takes and such.

Anyhow, look at this one. Playing with her empty inhaler case.

This was one shot sent to me on the drive up to Nashville. Love the buttcut.

This is what happens when daddy is in charge. Markers come out. Yikes.
He doesn't know what is up.
(Sidenote: why is my kids ALWAYS NAKED in the pictures I post?
I swear she has clothes-more than enough. Hello, she has two grandmothers!)

Mr. Fennmore Sparkman Graham. Such a snuggly bunch of deliciousness!
He is giant y'all!

War Eagle. Look at that facial expression.

He was a chunk of love and he rarely cried! Just got on the booby and slept!

Laura took me to this store that is full of brand new returns (cool stuff!)
Look what I bought.

Not sure why there were like 30 boxes of tampons, but they were 0.75 each! I bought three boxes! And got J some razors for stocking stuffers for 1.50 each.

So, for some spew:

*I need an app for blogging from my iPhone. Recommendations please.

*I have been reading in bed and reading blogs/twitter at night. Sorry for the lack of comments, but it's hard to comment (damn you word verification) on the phone. I feel like this is my mantra lately. Apologizing for lack of comments.

*I am nervous to go to WW on Saturday.

*I am reading Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster. She is so funny!

*I'm getting a pedi this weekend.

*Emma needs new pajamas. Hers are alllll too tight.

*The dogs smell like death and will be bathed this weekend.

*I am currently shopping around for a cute new blog design. I think it's time.

*I ate ramen again this week. And my wedding rings still fit.

*I am bored with the "cheap" menu-I need new things. One can only eat so many nights of tacos, spaghetti, Hamburger/Chicken helper, etc. Vomit. Also, one can only eat so much grilled chicken salad and/or spinach salad for lunch. WW can blow me on the "filling foods" cause I am sooooo bored with eating these things. And sandwiches/Smart Ones aren't considered "filling."

*I ran for five straight minutes on Monday. Like ran. Five minutes. In a row. Without dying. This is huge.

*I ran a 4-5-4 combo yesterday.

*I dread what I am running tomorrow. Curse you Couch to 5K. My friend that is doing this with me said, "Susannah, we have to do this so we can run the race." HAAHAHAHAHA was my reply. You are high if you think I am RUNNING the whole thing. My only goal is to beat last year's time. Which I will. But not running a whole 3 miles. Gag me.

*I think it's stupid that you can't DM people on Twitter if they don't follow you.

*Homeschool peeps-what are the requirements for people who all of a sudden choose to homeschool? Just wondering due to a thing at school. Do the parents/guardians have to take a test of competency or prove they are eligible to teach? Or anything. Yikes a million.

*Michaele on RHODC is a crackhead. That is all.

* I reallllly want the Kate Gosselin biography that is coming out, along with the Angelina Jolie one by Andrew Morton and the Oprah one by whatshername. PS-I'm going to admit this, but I don't like/care for any of those ladies. I am just fascinated by their lives. They are so high profile. I realllly don't like Oprah, please don't get me started, but I've been talking to a lot of people lately who say the same thing, and they want to read her biography. Maybe it's by Kitty Kelly or something??

*I think I have spewed it all. But I guarantee that after I hit publish, I'll think of more "pertinent" things to share.


  1. I'm not much help on the homeschooling front - but I can tell you the laws/requirements are different in every state.

    I enjoyed your "spew!" :)

    And Emma is PRECIOUS!

  2. What was J thinking? I mean markers for a one year old? Double yikes!! Love the "spew" and whether clothed or not, Emma is adorable!!

  3. I'm buried alive too- no time for anything!

  4. I ran for five minutes straight tonight, too!!! I'm still so freaking proud of myself!!!!

    Yay for both of us!!

    Ditto on the Kate Gosselin fascination.

  5. Spew away, my friend, spew away!

    I think life has taken over ALL of us.

  6. Dinner ideas:

    Boil some fettucini, steam some broccoli, and throw in some light alfredo sauce. Voila!

    Tilapia is super cheap as is Panko (Japanese bread crumbs). Dip the fish into a bowl of beaten egg, cover in crumbs, season with salt or anything else you like and pan fry. I usually make this with Jasmine rice and serve a salad or steamed veggies with it.

    Also, this recipe might help you spice up your mac n' cheese:

    Hope that's helpful!

  7. I really want to do the couch to 5K thing. Is it expensive? Do I need a iPhone?

  8. ok so somehow i missed this post...i've been so lame and behind, sorry!

    Homeschooling does vary state to state but currently there are no set requirements that the parent has to meet to "prove" they are ok to school their kids. Now, once you are homeschooling, different states require you to provide different sorts of proof that your kid is learning. Some states are very lax and essentially require nothing (see: PA) and other states are more strict. MD requires you to have a quarterly review under an "umbrella group" which is essentially other homeschool moms authorized in the group (which will have been authorized by the state) who come over and look over what you've been doing with your kid.

    hah! everytime my mom has her review, the homeschool moms leave feeling all depressed they are not doing enough with their own kids in comparison with my mom, lol.


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