Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weight Watchers Wednesday and I'm Still Here............

Well, as predicted from last week, I am up 0.4 lbs. Oh well, I had a sneaking suspicion that this would happen. I wasn't too shocked. However, I will also attribute part of this towards my complete and utter lack of tracking-I need to get back on that horse. ASAP.
Anyways, how did you all do? I have read a few updates. It seems like many of you are not doing WWW anymore-is this a passe tradition? :D I like it!
Also, I am still here but SWAMPED at work and home-it is a busy week with conferences coming up, normal wear and tear, and testing coming up. Blech-I am also rolling up home at about 6:15 and between feeding Emma and bathing her and getting ready for bed, it's about quarter to eight before dinner is happening. Not cool!
So, I shall try to be back in full force next week. I feel like I am majorly slacking! I will post a menu this week too! :D
Happy Wednesday, only two more days till the weekend! Yay!


  1. It's all good, pretty lady! I can't wait to see you in June because I know you've lost a ton of weight thus far! Tracking is so hard, isn't it? Do you use the online tracker or write it down? I vaccilate between the two during the week but on the weekends I suck ass at tracking!

    Hope your last two days of the work week go by with the quickness! XOXO

  2. You certainly aren't slacking Sus! There are just so many hours in a day and it is definitely hard to get it all done!! Hang in there! Love ya!

  3. Testing sucks! Hope it starts to calm down. I agree. There aren't enough hours in the day, but if there were more we would all still complain that there weren't enough. I got Lucy's bike thing off the internet. It is Little Tikes. She LOVES it. I just searched until I found it the cheapest. We recomment it.


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