Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I have a lot to learn!

So, my friend Brittany Ann wrote a very compelling post yesterday, and I told her I was going to steal it and revamp it, because honestly, don't we all need to improve upon something?

Brittany visited a web site called Tips for Writing Your Blog and she got some, well, tips.

Let me tell you how I think I am doing on each tip.

1. Choose your topics wisely

Ummmm, yeah, since I blog about shit diapers, my food intake, Zumba, and Sixteen Candles. But, this is me, and you like it. :D At least I hope so (okay, lie and make me feel better.)

2. Ensure that you make your readers happy.

Well, I am gonna have to say that this will make someone happy. So, I am on the road to happiness with "my readers." I also hook you all up on Sunday Sayings, so some other people are being made happy through my need to spend money Tar-jay generosity. :D

3. Share your expertise.

Well, I am sharing my knowledge of menu planning, working out, and movie quotes. Gah, I am so amazing and knowledgeable. Maybe I should start teaching you all how to plan for third graders and make up interesting lessons. Ha!

4. Keep your blog posts short but very tight.

OK, this one could be okay. With the exception of my "Mother Load Thanksgiving Post in Pictures." But that was pictures-so it doesn't count. :D

5. Know your audience.

Readers, I like to think I know you all pretty darn well. You are all friends, and sweet women. I have no men followers :D. We all have a lot in common. I think this would be the ONE thing in blogging that I am good at.

6. Make it scannable.
Okay, I could be good at this too, since I am too lazy to write long posts. But, this post is clearly not meeting that criteria. The thing is, I like reading "meaty" posts from my people in google reader, but then there are days and times when I just want a quick, light read. I have some work to do here.

7. Ensure that your blog posts are informative.

Well, looky here! I am informing you now! And I have informed you about Zumba, movie quotes, and what I am eating for the week. I also keep you informed about my weight loss. Because honestly, don't you all want and need to know those things? Haha! :D

So, I clearly have some work to do to become Dooce, MckMama, or Kelly. Oh well, aspirations people.

Hope your Wednesday is going well!


  1. Awesome! hit the nail on the head my friend!

  2. I enjoy your blog, every time I read Melissa's blog to see what's going on in my life I swing by your blog and see what's going on at the Edward's. So thank you for keeping me entertained, amused, and informed.


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