Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Sayings

OK people, here is the quote for this Sunday. I feel like it is super easy though. Rules are: first correct comment wins. I will announce the winner once someone gets it. Then you can email me your address for your PRIZE!! You must tell me 1) Which character or actor said it and 2) What movie is it from.

"It's BS, excuse my language-I wash and dry-I'm like the single mother. Look, we all know home ec is a joke-no offense. It's just like everyone takes this class to get an A-it's bull*hit and I'm sorry. I'm not putting down your profession but it's just the way I feel. There's only three weeks left in school, give me an effing break. Sorry for cursing..........................Jules. OK, I'll give it another shot, I'll give home ec another shot."

Good Luck!

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